September 20, 2024

Family Constellations

by Petra Brunnbauer

Unraveling the Web of Ancestral Patterns

Have you ever felt like you’re trapped in a cycle of repeating the same mistakes? Attracting similar relationships, or finding yourself in familiar ruts despite your best efforts to change? It can be frustrating and perplexing, leaving us wondering why certain patterns persist in our life. What if the answer lies not just in our experiences but in the lives and unresolved traumas of our ancestors?

Family Constellations is a powerful approach that delves into the invisible threads connecting us to our family systems, revealing how our ancestors’ experiences influence our lives today. By exploring these deep connections, we can begin to understand the hidden dynamics that shape our behaviors, relationships, and choices. This practice offers a path to healing by addressing the unspoken legacies that have been passed down through generations.

In this blog post, we’ll embark on a journey to explore the profound impact of Family Constellations, uncovering how the echoes of our ancestors influence our lives. And how we can break free from these inherited patterns. Through this exploration, we’ll discover the power of acknowledgment and healing, allowing us to reclaim our lives and create a more authentic path forward.


Megan Gunsorek is a seasoned Family Constellations Facilitator and the visionary behind The Morphic Field. In her transformative sessions, Megan taps into a healing field designed to address and resolve generational trauma while helping clients reclaim lost aspects of their Self. Over the course of 90 minutes, Megan supports clients in overcoming deep-seated issues, enabling them to reconnect with and embrace their true, authentic selves.

Megan Gunsorek

The Invisible Inheritance 

The Ties That Bind

While we inherit physical traits like eye color or hair texture from our ancestors, we also inherit less visible legacies. Emotional baggage, unspoken rules, and unconscious beliefs that permeate our family systems. These invisible inheritances can exert a powerful influence on our lives, shaping our behaviors, relationships, and sense of self. From the moment we are born, we become part of a complex web of family relationships and histories, each carrying its own emotional weight. These unseen influences often manifest as recurring patterns. Such as difficulty in relationships, unexplained fears, or chronic health issues. Understanding these ties is crucial for unraveling inherited patterns that may limit our potential.

The Loyal Child

At the heart of Family Constellations is the concept of hidden loyalties. As children, we have a deep, unconscious drive to belong to our family system. This drive is so powerful that we may unknowingly adopt behaviors or roles that align with the unresolved issues of our ancestors. Even if it means compromising our own wellbeing. For instance, if a grandparent experienced shame or exclusion, a descendant may unconsciously repeat similar behaviors or patterns, feeling compelled to honor that ancestor’s experience. This can manifest in various ways. Such as sabotaging relationships, struggling with self-worth, or carrying unexplained grief. By bringing these hidden loyalties to light, Family Constellations allows us to break free from these patterns, reclaim our autonomy, and live more fulfilling lives.

Emotional Echoes

The emotional experiences of our ancestors don't just vanish with time - they echo through generations. These echoes can manifest in our lives as inherited fears, phobias, or emotional responses that seem out of place. For example, a deep-seated fear of abandonment might not originate from our own experiences but rather from a distant relative’s trauma. By recognizing these emotional echoes, we can begin to differentiate between what is ours and what has been passed down. Allowing us to address the root cause of our distress.

The Loyal Child | Family Constellations

The Burden of Unresolved Grief

Grief that is not processed fully within a family can become a burden carried by future generations. This unresolved grief often presents itself in descendants as chronic sadness, depression, or a pervasive sense of loss. Without understanding its origin, we may struggle to find closure or peace. Family Constellations work helps identify these sources of inherited grief, providing a pathway to healing and emotional liberation.

Breaking the Cycle

Inherited patterns often lead to cyclical behaviors that can trap families in repeated struggles. Such as financial instability, addiction, or relationship turmoil. These cycles are perpetuated by unconscious adherence to the same familial scripts, passed down through generations. By identifying and addressing these cycles through Family Constellations, we can create new patterns of behavior that lead to healthier, more prosperous lives, breaking the cycle for ourselves and future generations.

The Healing Journey

Shedding Light on the Shadows

Family Constellations works by bringing hidden family dynamics to the surface. In a typical session, participants are chosen to represent members of the seeker's family system. This creates a living map that reveals unspoken truths, hidden loyalties, and unresolved traumas. As the constellation unfolds, the deeper stories and influences within the family become visible, offering profound insights to the seeker. This process allows the seeker to witness these dynamics firsthand, which often leads to emotional release and the beginning of personal transformation.

The Power of Acknowledgment

Acknowledgment is a cornerstone of Family Constellations. Recognizing the experiences of our ancestors - whether they were excluded, forgotten, or misunderstood - creates space for healing within the family system. This process is not about assigning blame or justifying past actions. But about honoring the humanity and struggles of each family member. By acknowledging these truths, a new order can emerge, allowing love and connection to flow more freely across generations. Through this acknowledgment, we can reclaim our rightful place within the family, embracing both our lineage and our unique life path.

Releasing Inherited Patterns

Releasing Inherited Patterns

Family Constellations also addresses the patterns we unconsciously inherit from our ancestors. These patterns, which may include recurring themes of loss, fear, or struggle, can deeply influence our lives. By bringing these inherited patterns to light, we can begin to disentangle ourselves from the cycles that have persisted through generations. This process of releasing inherited patterns allows for personal freedom and the opportunity to create new, healthier ways of being.

Embracing Personal Responsibility

Another key aspect of the healing journey in Family Constellations is embracing personal responsibility. While we are influenced by our family system, recognizing and taking responsibility for our own choices and behaviors is essential for true healing. By acknowledging our role in perpetuating or breaking family patterns, we empower ourselves to make conscious changes. This shift in perspective helps us move from a place of feeling burdened by the past to actively shaping our present and future.

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The Role of Epigenetics in Ancestral Healing

Modern science is beginning to uncover how deeply intertwined our biological makeup is with the experiences of our ancestors. Epigenetics, the study of how behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way our genes work, offers insight into how trauma and stress can be passed down through generations. Research has shown that significant emotional experiences - such as trauma, loss, or hardship - can leave a genetic imprint on our DNA. Affecting not only the individual but also their descendants.

This scientific understanding supports the core principles of Family Constellations, offering a biological explanation for the invisible threads that bind us to our ancestors’ experiences. It suggests that we don’t just inherit eye color or health conditions, but also emotional and psychological responses. These inherited epigenetic changes can manifest as anxiety, fear, or other emotional challenges. Often without an obvious cause in our own lives.

The Role of Epigenetics in Ancestral Healing

By working through Family Constellations, we can begin to unravel these inherited patterns, addressing the epigenetic markers that have been passed down. Healing these ancestral wounds on an emotional and spiritual level may, in turn, help to alleviate the genetic imprint, breaking the cycle of inherited trauma. This process not only aids in personal healing but also creates the possibility of a more liberated future for generations to come.

Releasing the Past: The Role of Rituals

Rituals are central to the healing process in Family Constellations. Through symbolic actions like bowing to acknowledge ancestors or speaking words of forgiveness, we can engage in powerful gestures that release emotional energy tied to past events. These rituals offer a sense of closure, creating space for healing where emotional burdens once lingered.

Beyond their simplicity, these rituals serve as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind. They provide a way to integrate the insights gained during a constellation, helping to reconcile unresolved emotional patterns. Rituals also become an avenue to honor our ancestors, recognizing their struggles while choosing to live our own lives fully.

Importance of Rituals in Family Constellations

In essence, these rituals allow us to reshape our relationship with the past. By acknowledging what came before, we free ourselves to move forward, no longer held back by inherited burdens. Rituals mark this transition, making the healing process deeply personal and transformative.

Breaking Old Cycles

Once the past has been acknowledged and released through Family Constellations, we are able to break old cycles and establish healthier patterns in our lives. This often begins by setting new boundaries that prioritize our emotional wellbeing and cultivating relationships that support our growth. By consciously detaching from the limitations of inherited trauma, we gain the freedom to make choices aligned with our true selves.

Creating new patterns is a transformative act that allows us to redefine our futures. Whether it involves pursuing long-held dreams or reshaping our personal or professional lives, this newfound liberation brings a sense of clarity and direction. The process of stepping out of the past opens up possibilities that may have previously seemed out of reach.

Creating New Habits

This transformation has far-reaching implications beyond just the individual. As we heal and shift patterns, we contribute to the healing of future generations. By breaking free from inherited trauma, we create a more positive legacy that can influence the lives of those who come after us, fostering a healthier and more empowered family lineage.


The journey through Family Constellations reveals that we are deeply interconnected with our ancestors, and their unresolved experiences can have a profound impact on our lives. By bringing these hidden dynamics into the light, we gain the power to break free from the patterns that have held us back, allowing us to live more fully and authentically.

Family Constellations reveals that we are deeply interconnected with our ancestors

For those who feel stuck in recurring patterns or overwhelmed by inexplicable emotions, Family Constellations offers a path to understanding and healing. By acknowledging the past and honoring the experiences of our ancestors, we can release the emotional burdens we’ve carried and create space for new possibilities.

Ultimately, the work of Family Constellations is about reclaiming our lives. It’s about recognizing that while we are shaped by our family systems, we are not bound by them. Through this process, we can transform our inherited legacies, heal old wounds, and create a future that is truly our own. In doing so, we contribute to the wellbeing of both ourselves and the generations to come...

... breaking the cycle of inherited patterns and paving the way for a more fulfilling and connected life.

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ancestors, ancestral patterns, family constellations, morphic field

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